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Английский Этимологический словарь - combine


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- early 15c., from M.Fr. combiner, from L.L. combinare "to unite, yoke together," from L. com- "together" + bini "two by two," adv. from bi- "twice." Combine "machine that cuts, threshes and cleans grain," first attested 1926.
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  ~1 v 1 if you combine two or more different things, ideas, or qualities or if they combine, they begin to exist or work together  (I'm looking for a job in which I can combine the different aspects of my experience so far. | combine to do sth)  (Several factors had combined to harm our friendship. | combine sth with)  (The new software package combines power with maximum flexibility. | combined with)  (Heat treatment is most effective if combined with regular physiotherapy. | combined effect/effects (=the result of two or more different things used or mixed together))  (The combined effects of the heat and too much alcohol made Sheila feel nauseous.) 2 if two or more different substances, liquids etc combine or if you combine them, they mix or join together to produce a new single substance, liquid etc  (combine to do sth)  (Different amino acids combine to form proteins. | combine sth)  (Combine all the ingredients in a salad bowl. | combine sth with)  (Steel is produced by combining iron with carbon.) 3 to do two very different activities at the same time  (combine sth with)  (You can't combine studying for your exams with a wild social life! | combine sth and sth)  (It's no easy task combining family responsibilities and a full-time job! | combine business with pleasure (=work and enjoy yourself at the same time)) 4 if two or more groups, organizations etc combine or if you combine them, they join or work together in order to do something  (combine to do sth)  (Two of the smaller groups had combined to form one large team. | combine sth)  (a report on the advantages of combining small village schools) ~2 n 1 also combine harvester a machine used by farmers to cut grain, separate the seeds from it, and clean it 2 a group of people or organizations who work together for a particular purpose  (The factory was sold to a British combine after the war.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (combined) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you combine two or more things or if they combine, they exist together. The Church has something to say on how to combine freedom with responsibility... Relief workers say it’s worse than ever as disease and starvation combine to kill thousands... A stagnant economy combined with a surge in the number of teenagers is likely to have contributed to rising crime levels in the US. V-RECIP: V n with n, pl-n V, V-ed, also V with n, V pl-n 2. If you combine two or more things or if they combine, they join together to make a single thing. David Jacobs was given the job of combining the data from these 19 studies into one giant study... Combine the flour with 3 tablespoons water to make a paste... Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen combine chemically to form carbohydrates and fats... Combined with other compounds, they created a massive dynamite-type bomb. V-RECIP: V pl-n, V n with n, pl-n V, V-ed, also V with n 3. If someone or something combines two qualities or features, they have both those qualities or features at the same time. Their system seems to combine the two ideals of strong government and proportional representation. ...a clever, far-sighted lawyer who combines legal expertise with social concern... Her tale has a consciously youthful tone and storyline, combined with a sly humour. VERB: V pl-n, V n with n, V-ed 4. If someone combines two activities, they do them both at the same time. It is possible to combine a career with being a mother... He will combine the two jobs over the next three years. VERB: V n with n/-ing, V pl-n 5. If two or more groups or organizations combine or if someone combines them, they join to form a single group or organization. ...an announcement by Steetley and Tarmac of a joint venture that would combine their operations... Different states or groups can combine to enlarge their markets. = amalgamate V-RECIP: V pl-n, pl-n V, also V with n, V n with n 6. A combine...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  (~d; combining)  Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French ~r, from Late Latin combinare, from Latin com- + bini two by two — more at bin-  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to bring into such close relationship as to obscure individual characters ; merge two companies combining forces  b. to cause to unite into a chemical compound  c. to unite into a single number or expression ~ fractions and simplify  2. intermix, blend ~ the sugar and flour  3. to possess in combination a writer whose works ~ imagination and scholarship  intransitive verb  1.  a. to become one  b. to unite to form a chemical compound  2. to act together many factors ~d to cause the recession  Synonyms: see join  • combinable adjective  • ~r noun  II. noun  Date: 1886  1. a combination especially of business or political interests  2. a harvesting machine that heads, threshes, and cleans grain while moving over a field  III. verb  (~d; combining)  Date: 1926  transitive verb to harvest with a ~  intransitive verb to ~ a crop ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. 1 tr. & intr. join together; unite for a common purpose. 2 tr. possess (qualities usually distinct) together (combines charm and authority). 3 a intr. coalesce in one substance. b tr. cause to do this. c intr. form a chemical compound. 4 intr. cooperate. 5 tr. harvest (crops etc.) by means of a combine harvester. --n. a combination of esp. commercial interests to control prices etc. Phrases and idioms combine harvester a mobile machine that reaps and threshes in one operation. combining form Gram. a linguistic element used in combination with another element to form a word (e.g. Anglo- = English, bio- = life, -graphy writing). Usage In this dictionary, combining form is used of an element that contributes to the particular sense of words (as with both elements of biography), as distinct from a prefix or suffix that adjusts the sense of or determines the function of words (as with un-, -able, and -ation). Derivatives combinable adj. Etymology: ME f. OF combiner or LL combinare (as COM-, L bini two) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  комбайн убирать комбайном - bagger combine - driverless combine - grain combine - hovercraft combine - low-silouette combine - narrow-range combine - salt combine ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) с.-х. комбайн осуществлять уборку комбайном 2) комбинат 3) комбинировать 4) сочетать(ся) 5) комбинировать; объединять combine accelerations — складывать ускорения to combine equations — решать уравнения совместно to combine like terms — матем. группировать подобные члены - corn combine - cotton combine - grain combine - hillside combine - level-land combine - offset-header combine - pick-up combine - potato combine - pull-type combine - self-propelled combine - tanker-type combine - track combine - wide-cut combine ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) общ. объединение, общество, картель (ассоциация двух или более физических лиц или компаний, совместно работающих на временной или постоянной основе) an international banking combine — международное банковское объединение The factory was sold to a British combine after the war. — Эта фабрика после войны была продана одному британскому картелю. Syn: cartel 2) с.-х. комбайн Syn: combine harvester 2. гл. 1) а) общ. соединять, объединять; сочетать to combine forces efforts — объединить силы усилия The product combines the benefits of moist heat and aromatherapy. — Этот продукт объединяет преимущества влажного пара и аромотерапии. Syn: integrate, join, unite, associate, connect б) общ. соединяться, объединяться; сливаться A vertical merger is a merger in which one firm combines with another form which it purchases inputs or to which it sells output. — Под вертикальным слиянием понимается слияние, при котором одна фирма объединяется с другой фирмой, у которой она приобретает сырье или которой она продает готовую продукцию. Syn: integrate, join, unite, associate, connect 2) а) общ. смешивать; комбинировать to combine the flour with the margarine — смешать муку с маргарином б) общ. смешиваться Oil and water do not combine. — Масло и вода не смешиваются. 3) общ. соединять, присоединять; соединяться (о химических элементах) Hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water. —...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. ам. разг. картель, синдикат; объединение political combine —- политическое объединение international publishing combine —- международный издательский концерн 2. комбайн, жатка-молотилка 3. горный комбайн 4. объединение механизмов 5. иск. комбинированное произведение (объединяющее живопись, коллаж и металлические конструкции) 6. объединять; сочетать to combine forces —- объединить силы to combine harshness and softness —- сочетать грубость и мягкость 7. объединяться; сливаться, соединяться 8. смешиваться oil and water do not combine —- масло и вода не смешиваются 9. комбинировать; смешивать 10. хим. соединять, присоединять 11. хим. соединяться 12. убирать комбайном ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  with сочетать; смешивать When rising prices are combined with a lack of jobs, many people suffer and the nation becomes poorer, if he can combine his natural ability with hard work, he should be very successful. COMBINE  1. noun  1) agric. комбайн  2) картель, синдикат, комбинат  3) объединение  2. v.  1) объединять(ся) против кого-л., чего-л. (against); с кем-л., чем-л. (with) убедить, обманом выманить The clever salesman cheated the old lady into (out of) giving him all her money. Small nations often have to combine against the power of a large one. Let us combine our two firms against our competitors. The members decided to combine the tennis club with the cricket club, forming one sports club. This chemical combines with air to form a liquid.  2) комбинировать, сочетать(ся); смешивать(ся)  3) убирать комбайном Syn: see unite ...
Англо-русский словарь


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